New Year, New Ways To Support tha0ie
what is your word for 2024?
my word for the year is: focus.
i’m focusing more on how i can keep grinding, hustling in music and keeping that hunger fresh, so i can create music every single day. whether it be coming up with a song idea, writing rap bars, collaborating with producers and other artists, performing live, or finding other creative ways to release forms of self-expression, now is the time for me to focus.
recently, i performed at ripe hip-hop’s live christmas edition event at the vineyard in st kilda, melbourne. i am so grateful that 3 of my friends came to support me by seeing me live. i was also fortunate to meet many other artists doing amazing performances and potentially collaborating in the future.
this got me thinking: how else can i serve the community? how else can i write songs that may ‘wow’ audiences? and also, how else can people support me and/or other local music artists? surely it’s not just about attending a live show? this thinking made me tap into my creativity, so i created content around how you can support me in 2024.
you ready to discover ways to support a music artist (aka me)? let’s go!